Arrival mode is something I’ve been trying to figure out for a while.
How do you have a desire that you want right now – without permanently living in ‘arrival mode’ - the one that you will only be happy once you get there.
That life will be complete and better when that desire is in your life.
It feels like a contradiction though - how do you feel good right now whilst going through the process of unfolding, which usually involves a lot of challenges, failures and lesson learning. And doesn't feel that good!
I think this might be the KEY to being an entrepreneur.
You believe in your desire anyway, not the arrival.
Because the arrival mode is a lie. The paradigm that I’m creating my life from is one that is not linear.
With a shift your central base, you get right to the place where you are sick of doubts and I don’t want to believe like its transactional anymore - that I have to buy myself through time, money or health to arrival. As you can't ever stand still, you are already arriving if you are heading in the right direction (see yesterday's post).
You’re not ever going to get it done. Every time you evaluate contrast and conclude and then line up your Energy and allow it into your experience… at the same time you are achieving the result that you intended, you also achieve a new perspective from which to intend. You can’t stand still. Abraham Hicks
What would it feel like to be in arrival right now? This is one of the HARDEST things to keep consistent. Especially when you get curve ball after curve ball thrown at you. This has taken me SO. LONG. to figure out that I am consciously creating my life now.
Goals are part of the magnetic journey of ‘arrival’ desires. Arrival desires make this happen… they are as important as a north star. You’ve gotta be grateful, not frustrated, for these desires – because if you have it, it means you will head towards it.
Disclaimer: Arrival mode has been coming up for me a few times in the last few days – and usually when that happens it means I’m not getting the memo…! I still struggle with the patience and daily contrast. But it's getting lighter. TBC!